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Ketones and Aldehydes


Synthesis from primary alcohols I: PCC and PDC oxidation

Synthesis from primary alcohols II: Swern oxidation

Synthesis from primary alcohols III: Dess-Martin Periodinane (DMP) Oxidation

Synthesis from acid halides

Synthesis from esters

Synthesis from nitriles

Synthesis from alkynes

Synthesis from benzylic and allylic oxidation

Synthesis of ketones from Friedel-Crafts acylation

Ketone and aldehyde hydration

Acetal formation

Thioacetal formation

Imine formation

Enamine formation

Oxime formation

Hydrazone formation

Reductive amination

Reduction to alcohols

Reduction to alkanes I: Wolff-Kishner reduction

Reduction to alkanes II: Clemmensen reduction

Reduction to alkanes III: reduction of thioacetals

Oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids

Addition of Grignard reagents

Addition of organolithium reagents

Cyanohydrin formation

Olefination I: Wittig reaction

Olefination II: stabilized Wittig reaction

Olefination III: Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction

Baeyer-Villiger oxidation

1,4-Conjugate additions to alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyls

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